Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors.

A local 501(c)3 non profit organization
Combined Federal Campaign # 23189

Operation Homefront-Florida Website

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why He Runs for Operation Homefront-Florida

“Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America.  These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.  America was targeted for attack because we are the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.”

 ~President George W. Bush
September 11, 2001

As we approach nearly 9 years since the events of September 11th, America’s foundation of freedom stands strong thanks to the drive and determination of the American people.    Operation Homefront-Florida proudly supports the families of our service members and wounded warriors and, during Freedom Walk 2010, will join with the Florida community to remember the first responders (Firefighters and Police) on 9-11 and all of the service members that fight to defend freedom.

Accomplishing Operation Homefront-Florida’s mission is impossible without the support of people here in Florida – people like Operation Homefront-Florida board member Keith Seago. 

Seago, a former Army Airborne Ranger, has been on Operation Homefront – Florida’s Board of Directors for almost a year. He’s also an avid runner that works as a Financial Consultant at BankUnited.

He’s running in the 5k at this year’s Freedom Walk on September 11th.

“The reason why I am running and promoting this event is because of the visibility and recognition it gives to our First Responders, our Military and their families.”

Seago understands the needs and hardships of a military family. He grew up in the “army brat” lifestyle that we all know to mean one or both of his parents were in the military.

“I know what it's like to have your father deployed to foreign lands, in harm’s way for extended periods of time and the stress that it can put on the family.”
To join Keith for Freedom Walk Run 2011 in West Palm Beach, Tampa or Orlando click here.

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